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Miss Pregrine’s Peculiar Children

Miss Pregrine’s Peculiar Children

  • 10 Mart 2023
  • 1108

Jacob was on his way to his old grandfather. When he got home, he went inside. The whole house was in shambles. And then he called the woman he came here to say that someone had entered the house. The woman went to get her gun from the car. Then Jakob went into the forest and found his grandfather's body there. They had no eyes. It was as if someone had ripped it out. But there was no blood. For a moment, his grandfather took Jacob's hand and told him to get away from here. It was as if a dead person had been resurrected. And he asked her to go to the island, find the loop. Jacob heard a voice behind him. Looking back, he saw something resembling a slenderman. After this incident, Jacob started going to a psychologist. Then Jacob and his father went to Wales. They had reached the island of Wales by boat. They settled in a hotel.

Then, Jacob's father paid a few children for Jacob to go to the children's home, and Jacob went with them to the old children's home. He walked through the woods and saw the dilapidated orphanage, Jacob. He returned to the hotel and asked an old man what had happened to the children's hostel. The man said he was bombed by the Germans and no one survived. The next day, Jacob went back to that kindergarten. This time he entered the house. Things were old and ruined. Ruins were everywhere. The vines covered the entire country. Then, when Jacob turned around, he saw a girl, and for a moment he was frightened and ran away. He tripped and fell to the ground. One little girl took him on his back and carried him to the cave where the loop was. Jacob recognized them all. His grandfather introduced them from photographs. They went into the loop with them. But then he got scared and ran away. He went to the hotel where he was staying and started running to his room. The hotel owner stopped him.

It was not in its time. Everyone thought he was an American spy. At that moment, Millard, the invisible boy arrived and smashed the room. The others took Jacob out of the hotel and rode off in the carriage. It was in 1943. They lived the same day every day. Then they went home. Jacob met Miss Peregrine. Later, he met other children. Fiona could grow anything. He could grow a tree branch or a carrot to gigantic proportions. He explained that when the cycles reset the last twenty-four hours, they relive the same day, if they do this every day, they live forever. Emma was even lighter than air. Olive introduced Jacob to Enoch. Enoch could animate and control dolls by attaching real hearts to them. In an instant, the toys began to fight, and the other stabbed a knife into the other's heart and displaced his heart. Jacob was taken aback. Hugh, on the other hand, could pull bees out of his mouth. Horace knew how to make everyone watch his dreams. Like a projector. Then they went out and repeated the cycle.

Then Jacob went back to his father. When they returned, many sheep had died out of nowhere. When his father saw that Jacob had lied and was not actually with the children he had met on the first day, he was furious and immediately began to prepare to return. Jacob sat on his bed and read his grandfather's letter to Miss Peregrine. The next day they went to the beach with his father. They went back and forth on the beach, and after Jacob had slept, Jacob went back into the loop and went to Miss Peregrine. And he told her about his grandfather's letter. He later met Enoch and took him to Victor to tell him everything. Victor was dead. Enoch put a heart on Victor. And for a moment Victor straightened up and began to speak. Jacob escaped from there. They all went for a walk together. Together with Emma, they got on a boat and opened. Emma jumped into the water for a moment. Since his shoes were made of iron, he began to sink towards the bottom. Jacob also jumped into the water after Emma. They entered in a sunken ship. Inside the ship were the skeletons of the deceased. Emma entered a room and emptied the water inside. They could now breathe freely. Emma showed Jacob photos of men who had turned into something of a slenderman style by doing an experiment and told what had happened. Then they returned home. They watched from afar as Miss Peregrine killed a monster. It was also a creature that killed Victor. No one but Jacob could see them. Only Jacob could see.


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