Dante’s Inferno
- 25 Mart 2023
- 1275
Religion, like love, is a field of belief. Love does not require tangible proof and reason, it is the same in religion. From creation to the moment of death, even after death, proof of heaven and hell in the hereafter does not require rationality. Dante travels to hell, purgatory, and heaven with his poet colleague, Virgil, in his immortal work, the divine comedy In Hell. There is an inscription on the door of hell. This article is;
“From here we go to the city of pain,
From here to the endless pain,
From here you can go among the lost people.
Justice has guided my great Lord,
Divine power, supreme wisdom, first love created me.
Before me everything was eternal;
I will last forever too.
Those who go in, leave all hope out.”
Dante considered hell as an inverted cone or a cone. Hell has nine floors. Its entrance may be in Jerusalem, its bottom, that is, its end, in the center of the world. In the center of the world, the demon awaits. Dante's world is round and gravity is demonic. Downdraft is evil. Ascension is good. As you rise, you approach towards the creator, but as you pull down, that is, as you fall, you approach the demon.
First Layer of Hell: Limbus
What is said for this layer in Dante's manual: “Further before you go, know that they are not sinful, they have virtues, but they are not enough, because the gateway to your faith also lacks baptism; They lived before Christianity, but they did not worship God properly: I am one of them." A painless grief dominated Limbus. Although the Catholic Church denies the existence of this layer, it is present in Dante's 700-year-old work. Poets Homer, Ovid and Horatius; heroes Hector, Latinus and his daughter, Saladin; The philosophers Aristotle, Seneka the Younger, Socrates, Plato and Diogenes are here… Avicenna is here, babies who died before they were baptized are also here. All of them stand in this layer in grief. So this layer is for honest and irreligious. These people, the people Dante wants to tell in this layer, are not bad, but of course they should be punished for denying religion.
Second Layer: Lust
This layer consists of those who have succumbed to their lusts. Here Dante sees people who are known for their lust, and many personalities who have used people for their lusts, restless, unhappy, swept away by the strong wind that rises with cries and grievances.
Third Layer: Gluttony
In this layer, there are those who live for worldly goods, who turn food and drink into pleasure other than a normal need, who want more than they need, and who are selfish. This layer is the place where they disappear while it is constantly raining on them in a disgusting mud.
Tier Four: Greed
Their faces are darkened because of the dirty life they lived and led while living. Either the very stingy, the selfish, or the wealthy and the stingy are in this layer. Dante almost prepared his own execution along with the words, phrases, or words he used to describe this circle. Because Dante saw the pope of that period directly in this layer. He constantly accused the Pope of using people's religion and religious feelings to benefit him.
Fifth Layer: Anger
Dante describes his master and guide in his dialogue: “When I paid attention and looked around, I saw people covered in mud in the swamp, anger pouring on their faces, they were all naked. They were hitting each other not only with their hands, but also with their heads, chests and feet, tearing each other apart with their teeth. The good master said: “Son, these are the spirits of those who have succumbed to anger.” In this layer, people fight with each other, and at the bottom of the mud is a guard who constantly torments them. After this layer, Dante got scared and started to think about his own sins. Gradually, Dante realized that the real sins are those related to being a bad person.
Tier Six: Heresy
In this layer, there are those who reject the rules and those who oppose them. Dante labeled these and the like as heretics. For example, theft, harassment and defamation. In this layer, sinners lie in their graves of fire and suffer their punishment.
Layer Seven: Violence
There are 3 more layers in this layer. On the first floor: There are tyrants and tyrants who steal the blood and property of others. Those in this layer boil in hot blood.
On the second floor: there are those who hurt themselves and those who committed suicide. The bodies of these people are constantly eaten by some living things.
On the third floor: there are those who show violence against the creator and do not believe in the creator. Those in this layer walk on burning sands and are exposed to showers of fire.
Tier Eight: Fraud
This layer is reserved for impostors. In this layer, there are fraudsters, hypocrites, people who cause trouble, liars, flatterers, magicians, fortune tellers, bribe takers, etc.
Nine Tier: Treachery
This layer is reserved for traitors and betrayers. t of hell