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Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 1040

The Overlook, one of Colorado's largest hotels, was burned to the ground. The fire inspector said the fire was caused by a broken boiler. And only 3 people survived this fire. Danny's father, on the other hand, had failed and died while trying to relieve the rising boiler pressure. These three survivors were Dick Hallorann, the cook of the Overlook hotel, and the other two were the wife and son of the man who died in the fire. Wendy and her son Danny moved to a place called Tampa. Danny told his mother not to go to the bathroom one night and never spoke again. The next morning she called Wendy Dick and asked her to come and explained the situation. Danny woke up to go to the bathroom. When he opened the bathroom door and entered, he saw the woman he had seen in the Overlook hotel again. His eyes were gray and began to rot. She thought of what Dick said, she. He told her to close her eyes when she saw something bad and say that whatever she saw wasn't there, she would be gone when she opened her eyes.

But what Dick said didn't work when he entered room 217 at the Overlook hotel. He knew it wouldn't work now either. Danny caught the scent emanating from the woman. It smelled like something rotting. Once inside the bathroom, she held out her hands to Danny and smiled. Danny walked out of the bathroom and closed the door slowly. Danny had prepared himself for this moment. He knew he'd see all those undead at the Overlook hotel. But it was bad for him that the first thing he saw was Miss Massey. Because she was the worst of them all. His mind was literally split in two. He wouldn't see her again when part of his brain went back in. But the other part of his brain, the glowing part, was aware of all the facts. The Overlook hotel wasn't done with Danny. Danny didn't want to go to the bathroom again. Because the first time he saw her, she had tried to strangle him. She was sure she would do the same thing again. Then he put his ear to the bathroom door and began to listen in. From inside came the sound of nails scratching the wood. Danny had given up on going to the bathroom. Wendy had barely opened the bathroom door. When he got into the bathroom, there was a smell as if a mouse had died inside the walls. Then he saw footprints on the floor in the bathroom. When he looked closely, he found bits of meat and rotten skin. Wendy was frightened. The next evening, Dick came to visit them.

Though Wendy had told him about Danny's situation and had asked him to come. Dick did not refuse this request and went to them. Then they started talking about Danny. And Dick said to Wendy if he wanted to keep me out he would. They both knew. That Danny is like this because of the Overlook hotel. It could not be said to be a normal or ordinary hotel. That fire wasn't actually an accident, it was something the Overlook hotel did. They were aware of this. But they couldn't do anything. Then Dick went to Danny and gave Danny his present. Then they went outside for a walk. Danny told Dick in a low voice that the woman at 217 was back. It's like he doesn't want his mom to hear about it. Wendy cleaned the bathroom when Danny and Dick were out. When walking outside, Danny took care to walk slowly because Dick was old and was going to die one day. “I have a few more years,” he said at the time, as if he had heard Dick Danny's thoughts. Then Dick asked Danny to tell him all that had happened. He told Danny what was going on. Without skipping them all. He told Danny Dick that he would come back and kill him. He was afraid. He was right to be afraid. He was only an eight-year-old boy, and it was normal to be afraid. He then told Danny to open his present. When he opened the package, there was a box inside the package. Dick told Danny to examine this box thoroughly and then make a box like this in his mind. When that woman came back, she would be imprisoned in that box. A week had passed and Danny had learned everything about how to do it. The woman was back. Again in the bathroom, she was looking at Danny from the tub. She was trying to reach out to him. This time Danny was not afraid, he went inside. And he said he brought the woman a gift. The woman realized the situation too late. But Danny had already imprisoned him in the box he had created in his mind…

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