Journey to the Center of the World

Journey to the Center of the World

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 601

Trevor was with his nephew Sean. Sean would stay at Trevor's for a while. They went to the lab with Trevor Sean. Because Trevor had found something written in a book in the box left by Sean's father. And he had gone to investigate them. While looking at the computer, he saw that the numbers on the computer matched exactly with the numbers in the book. He immediately went home and according to the coordinates he found, he could go to Sean's father. Sean and Trevor went to Iceland together. There was a scientist's name in the book, and the first thing was to go to him. They were looking for the institute. Then they came to a cabin. The girl in the hut said that she is a science fiction writer and that the same writings in that book are in this book. Then he took them to the volcano, as the woman was the guide with that woman. They found a box on the mountain. And there was another little box in that box and he had to take it. Because it kept all the data from the last ten years. At that time the weather deteriorated. And lightning began to strike.

The sensor in Trevor's hand drew lightning. Trevor threw the sensor in his hand and entered the cave where the others had entered. But lightning had struck the cave, and the entrance of the cave was blocked by rocks. They were trying to look for another way. There were two roads in the cave, they used the road on the right. And in a moment they reached the bottom of the abyss. They were going to try to measure the depth of the cliff using a flare, but suddenly the flare exploded. The flare burned because the walls of the cave were made of magnesium. They took a light in their hands and tried again. The cliff was almost twenty stories high. The woman took a rope from her bag and they used it to go downstairs. When they reached the bottom, they found a mine tunnel. They found the old generator of the mine and turned it on. They got into the iron vehicles carrying the coals and started to move forward. They were moving very fast and there were bumpy tracks. Some of the tracks were broken and it was like a cliff, they got faster and jumped onto the other tracks. Trevor and Hanna jumped out of their cars when the tracks on which Trevor's car was going were finished. Sean went through the hole in the wall. Where they entered were rubies, emeralds and diamonds. Trevor suddenly realized that they were inside a volcanic chimney. But all of a sudden, voices started coming from the ground they were standing on. The ground they were on was so thin that it could shatter at the slightest movement. One of the diamonds Sean had put in his bag fell to the ground. And all of a sudden they started falling down. After a long fall, they all fell into the water. Trevor and Sean swam out, but Hanna was still in the water. Trevor jumped into the water again and pulled Hanna out of the water. There were tiny glowing birds on the ceiling of the cave. Trevor said these birds went extinct one hundred and fifty million years ago. They found a tunnel and went through it.

Trevor said they've reached the center of the earth. Trevor read several parts of the book. They passed between giant mushrooms. They realized that everything in the book was real. A house was formed in hollows built on a tree. Hanna made her way through the woods and found the body of Trevor's older brother. Hanna showed it to Trevor. They all buried the body together. Sean had grown up never knowing his father and was very upset to see him dead. He found the letter Max had left for Sean and Trevor read it to Sean. They had forty-eight, seventy-two hours or less to get out of there. The temperature is increasing gradually. They began to build a boat. They all got into the boat they had built together and started to move forward. In a moment from the sea, piranhas started attacking the boat they were on….

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