Those Under the Debris

Those Under the Debris

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 661

The wrecks are a competition held around the world. It takes place in an artificial world established in a large area and underground. Even the place of the artificial world established in this competition, where using the phone, communicating with families and many other things is prohibited, is hidden. There is only one way out. Each competitor is given individual clues to reach this exit. Contestants are watched by hidden cameras every minute and all kinds of items they may need are available in specially prepared cabinets for the contestants. Contestants do not have any names in this game, they have numbers to represent them…

He woke up with a shout that came as 889. Dove looked at the paper he was holding tightly in his hand and shouted that it was mine. His name didn't matter anymore, he didn't have a name anymore, he didn't have a story, he didn't have a personality, it didn't matter anymore, it was just three numbers side by side. He was now taking a step towards writing not his own story, but the story of 889, which consisted of three numbers.

Kumru's participation in the competition started like this: On a street where the bad events she experienced on the day she turned 19 were dragging her, she saw a small piece of paper with her bag on her back, tired of life and desperately walking, and she bent down and started reading. On the paper, he talks about a competition called the wrecked ones. Bored with the life she lives, Kumru decides to participate in the competition without thinking. While she was not even ready for this contest, which she applied for without thinking, she suddenly finds herself among five people who will represent her own country in this contest, in which all countries participate, without realizing what is going on. It is no longer Dove, it is 889. With his teammates, Uraz, Bulut, Eren and Nisan, he would compete for days, weeks or even months in the artificial world established underground to represent his country. In fact, these five, who never knew each other, were going to make themselves in a situation they never expected in the competition they desperately participated in. The whole world would watch them and the whole world would watch the Dove lose its self and turn into 889.

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