Music Inside Me

Music Inside Me

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 647

Melody is an extremely intelligent 11-year-old boy. But she couldn't talk, she couldn't walk, and she couldn't even eat by herself. When people looked at Melody, they saw a girl with curly short hair sitting in her pink wheelchair. They used to scrutinize Melody as if she were pathetic and make a list of her problems. But some rarely noticed Melody's smile and saw that she had dimples. But Melody had something special. She did not forget anything and her photographic memory was very strong. Like the applesauce her mother fed her as a baby, the scent of lavender oil, and the lyrics to the song that played on the kitchen radio when she was very young. She was remembering everything, every moment of her life. Melody was very young when she discovered that there were millions of words in the world. But what she didn't know was that she couldn't use those words. Not being able to do anything was making Melody angry. She suddenly realized that she was different from everyone else. When Melody was a little baby, Melody's father was aware of everything. And as if he thought Melody could understand him, he had told his little daughter that his life would not be easy and that if he could move, he would have moved without hesitation.

When Melody was 4 years old, she saw the colorful blocks at the supermarket she went to with her mother. She started pointing at the colored blocks to her mother, but her mother said she had enough toys that they couldn't take them. But what Melody was trying to tell her mother was that they were dangerous, that children could get hurt or get sick. But all he could do was shout, point and kick. His mother had thought that he was having a nervous breakdown and was angry that he would not have a nervous breakdown with me. But Melody continued to try to explain more loudly. Her mother, on the other hand, continued to get angry with Melody by quickly leaving the toy aisle and saying stop it. When Melody couldn't explain her problem, she got even more angry in her own way. She was right too. Melody was unable to express herself while her peers could somehow express themselves. And this was getting on his nerves. People in the supermarket were looking at them and some were pointing at them with their hands. Others ignored it. When they got home, Melody's mother called the doctor and explained the situation. The doctor, on the other hand, sent a prescription for sedatives to Melody's mother. But the woman did not give the medicine because her crisis had passed. By the time she was five years old, it was time for Melody to go to school. Her mother took Melody to a doctor to have her intelligence level measured. When they came to the doctor, the doctor told Melody that they were going to play a game and that he would ask her some questions during the game.

Then he came back with a pile of wooden blocks and asked Melody to sort them by size. Didn't she realize that Melody couldn't even move her hand? Melody knew which block was bigger or smaller than the other. But she could in no way rank them by size, she. Then the doctor brought cards, each painted a different color, and asked Melody to tell when she saw the color blue. Melody made strange noises when she saw the blue card and tried to point as best she could. Then the Doctor continued to ask Melody questions. When the doctor's questions were over, he evaluated Melody and told the result of the evaluation to his mother. The result of the evaluation was that Melody had a severe brain injury and was severely mentally handicapped. Melody's mother was upset about this. For several minutes she just stood there without speaking. Then Melody's mother said that Melody understood the jokes and laughed at them. The doctor said you are lucky that she can laugh, but Melody will never be able to walk and speak a single word. Frankly, this upset everyone. Who would want their child to be in such a situation? According to Melody, her mother, who almost never cried, did so that day. The doctor was looking for suitable words for consolation, but could not find it. Then the Doctor told Melody's mother that they could homeschool her or send her to a private school for children with developmental disabilities, and added that they could also place Melody in a nursing home where she could feel comfortable. “Since she is young, she can adapt easily,” she said.

After a while, when Melody starts 5th grade, she and some of her classmates are allowed to take classes in other classes with non-disabled students. Although some students make fun of the students from the disabled class, Melody gets a girlfriend named Rose, who is a hardworking and bright student like herself. As Melody begins to mingle with her friends, she gets a Medi-Talker, a computer that can talk for her. This device allows him to suddenly communicate with the world in a whole new way, accessing tens of thousands of words and sentences instead of a few dozen, and attending the lesson for the first time.

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