The Devil Within

The Devil Within

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 689

Omar, who thinks that life is boring and that he no longer enjoys anything and nothing excites him, sees a girl on the ferry and falls in love at first sight. When he decides to talk to the girl and goes to her, he is very surprised because his aunt is sitting next to the girl. Realizing that the girl is a distant relative, Ömer starts to visit the homes of his relatives, whom he has not visited for a long time. He learns that the girl's name is Macide, and he impresses her with his long conversations and romantic behaviors, and then he establishes a relationship, but this relationship soon begins to take a very different turn.

After the death of Macide's father, who was in Istanbul to study at university, her family in Balıkesir began to be unable to provide financial assistance. He starts to become a refuge in the house of his relatives and is disturbed by this situation. She talks to her aunt, Macide, who is aware of her relationship with Ömer, who does not like this conversation, and starts to live in Ömer's house. For those who think that this is marriage, Ömer and Macide try to live in financial difficulties. Macide, who is disturbed by Omer's friends, is especially disturbed by Nihat and his strange thoughts, but she often has to be in the same environment and is affected by his thoughts, she begins to see the meaninglessness of this life, but she cannot say anything to Ömer because these friends are standing by helping them financially. make them stop. Macide's life changes when a pianist named Bedri, who is Macide's student in Balıkesir and is also Ömer's friend, reappears at the party they attend.

Bedri, who knew her at first sight and was very surprised, frequently visits Macide's house, where he feels something, and starts to help financially. Omer, who started to get weird due to lack of money and the influence of the people around him, is influenced by another girl in a charity organization they go to, Macide realizes this, but Ömer does not care and starts seeing another girl in front of Macide's eyes. After this situation, Macide decides to leave Ömer, but is arrested before she can implement her plan. Nihat has committed a crime and the closeness of Nihat and Ömer is suspected, and Ömer is arrested, and Ömer, who has been in prison for about two weeks, is released. On the day he was released, he went to Bedri and said that he wanted to live his life differently from now on, that he upset Macide so much that he did not want to upset her anymore and that he wanted to break up with her. Macide also wants to leave Ömer and asks her to give the letter she wrote to Bedri, who is their mutual friend, and forward it to Ömer.

Reading the letter, he sees that Bedri Macide wanted to leave Ömer before he was arrested, but could not do so because he was arrested the night he was about to leave. Then he tells his feelings to Macide, and Macide starts to feel something for him, and the two of them decide to start a new life together.

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