Into The Night

Into The Night

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 644

A girl named Ines was waiting for her plane to take off at the airport. Meanwhile, he was talking to his friend Sofie. But her friend Sofie collapsed to the ground, out of breath for a moment. Ines panicked. Then everyone got on the plane. The first to board the plane was the boy and his mother, who went to Moscow for the surgery. Then a soldier saw a news report on the TV where everyone collapsed to the ground and died. He knew what it was. Everyone got on the plane one by one. The soldier, who knocked down the security guard, took his gun and started running towards the plane that was about to take off. Everyone at the airport panicked. There was a man running with a gun, after all. Just as the plane door was about to close, he forcefully opened the door and entered.

Then he went to the pilot's place and told him to take off the plane immediately. He had hit the pilot's left hand and was still telling the pilot that we had to get out of here. The pilot, on the other hand, said to the man that I could not take off the plane because I could not use my left hand. He asked the people on the plane if there was a pilot, and one girl said she was a helicopter pilot. Then the plane took off. The gunman told them that sunlight kills people. But the pilot and the girl did not believe the man. What he said to them sounded ridiculous. It was something that would seem silly to anyone, after all. The girl who flew the plane said her name was Sylvie, then they introduced themselves saying the pilot's name was Mathieu. When they asked the gunman his name, Major Gallo said it was Terenzio Gallo.

Then an old man placed a note in the hand of the stewardess. The stewardess read the note and learned that there was a terrorist on board. Terenzio told the pilot and Slyvie that he was from NATO and heard them talking. Slyvie tried to find a doctor for Mathieu and told the stewardess that she had been shot in the hand. Then they asked if there was a doctor on the plane. A woman said she was not a doctor but did home health care, and then she went to the pilot and they heated a knife with lighters and stepped on the wound on the pilot's hand to stop the bleeding. The dressing woman told the pilot it would prevent infection for a few hours. Then the pilot told the passengers that the man on the plane, the major, wanted to land at another airport and they would go there. One of the passengers took the gun from Terenzio's hand. He then asked Terenzio to be locked in the toilet. They then asked permission to land, but no one answered them. When the pilot looked down the window, he saw the burning planes and pulled the major out of the toilet. He told everyone on the plane that the sun was killing people and that they had to constantly drive west to avoid being caught in the sun. But there was a problem. The plane was running out of fuel and they had to land and find fuel urgently.

Then they managed to land the plane, albeit with difficulty, by making an emergency landing. After landing at the airport, everyone got off the plane. Just then, three men in military uniforms approached them. And asked what they knew. They said they didn't know for sure. The men in military uniforms said they had to leave immediately. The pilot told passengers that the three soldiers confirmed what Terenzio had said and that everyone, including the bunker, had died from the sun. Then everyone took everything they could and refueled the plane. Then everyone got on the plane and the plane took off again. Ayaz and one of the three soldiers were repairing the mechanism with the radio.

It was finally fixed and the internet on the plane was working again. Then, after coming from the internet, Ayaz searched for the name of the air base where they landed. And he learns that the three men in military uniform they took on the plane are the ones who should be tried. So the man they took on the plane is a fugitive. As soon as Ayaz learns about this, he tells Slyvie, or rather shows it on the tablet. One of the men in uniform they took on the plane pushed an old man. The old man died after hitting his head hard against the wall. And he pulled a gun on the others. His friend came and took the gun from him. Frosty took the old man and covered him with a jacket.

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