It 2

It 2

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 810

The boys made a promise years ago. If the clown returned, they would destroy him. But when they left the town of Derry, it was as if they had forgotten everything. The clown was back. And Mike was aware of that. Mike had called everyone else. He explained the situation to them. But Stanley had committed suicide at home by slitting his wrists and died. The clown appeared every twenty-seven years. Henry realized that the clown was back when he saw the red balloon through the window of the mental hospital where he was treated. And he ran to the window and made some trouble. The attendants took Henry to his room. At that moment Henry bent down under the bed and pulled the red balloon out from under the bed. As soon as he pulled it out, a man with holes in his face and no skin on one side of his mouth, hollow eyes, came out from under the bed, and handed Henry a knife. It was evening and Henry killed one of the officers with a knife and escaped from the mental institution. There was a game in the town of Derry that evening, and most of the town's residents had gone to that game. A boy and his mother were watching the game. The little girl followed the firefly that landed on her teddy bear and came to the iron bars under the people's sitting area. There he went a little further and saw the clown. He talked to the girl for a bit, the clown then said that he could remove the blemish from his face. The little girl approached the clown. The clown was going to count from one to three and stopped at two, and when she said three, he bared his fangs and cut off her head.

Bill and the others met Mike at a restaurant. When Beverly saw Ben, she didn't recognize him at first. Because there was no trace of Ben left. All but Mike, no one can remember the clown exactly, she. But later they all remembered. They were afraid. Then the waiter brought fortune cookies to the table. Everyone got one of the fortune cookies. And then she opened the cookies. They combined the words on the papers that came out of it. The sentence that came out when the papers were combined, I guess, could not stop Stanley from cutting. Then for a moment the table shook. Fortune cookies spontaneously begin to crack and break. Among them appeared a creature with a baby head, spider feet, wings, a veiny eye, and many more. In an instant, something like lava started gushing out of the plate of fortune cookies. Mike took a chair and started banging on the table. That's when the waiter came. And they paid the bill and left. No one else saw these things. When Beverly got outside, she called Stanley. But Stanley's wife picked up the phone and said that Stanley had committed suicide and died in the tub by slitting his wrists. She told this to the others, she. A few of them wanted to go. Everyone started going to the hotel. Except for Bill. Bill was going to listen to what Mike had to say, or rather, Mike would show him what he found. Bill and Mike went to Mike's house. Then Mike puts something like some kind of medicine in Bill's water. Bill drinks that water. Mike showed Bill where the clown started. He showed Bill an item the Shakupivas had stolen from them, something like red skinned. He said they lived outside of Derry. And it showed that the clown was falling from the sky like a meteor. Mike showed Bill everything the redskins showed him. Beverly, Ben, Eddie, Richie went to the hotel where their stuff was. Beverly told Ben, Eddie, and Richie that she had seen them all die, and each died by suicide like Stanley. The reason Beverly saw them die is because she saw the death lights. Mike explains that they can kill the clown with a ritual. Then Beverly went to their old house where she lived with her father. But someone else was sitting there. Still, the woman insisted on Beverly to come in. The memories that he lived with his father at home came to life before his eyes. Needless to say, he wasn't a very good father. Then she took out the picture she had hidden on the wall in one of the rooms. When she went into the living room, she paid attention to the pictures. Beverly saw pictures of the old woman with the clown. When she turned around, the woman had suddenly grown taller and frightened. Beverly began to run away. She then saw the clown. All of a sudden, the clown's nails opened wounds on his face, and his face was covered in blood. Beverly ran out of the building. When She came out, she saw that the building was old and even abandoned.

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Into The Night

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