The Story of a Smell Killer

The Story of a Smell Killer

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 685

Jean Baptiste Grenouille is right on July 17, 1738, in the stinkiest part of the entire kingdom. When his mother gave birth to him under the fish counter, he thought he had been born dead like his other children. Everyone looked at the baby under the counter with the sound of the baby crying. Then everyone asked about the boy's mother, and a man said he had just been here. The woman was caught running away. And the baby's first cry had taken her mother to death. After all, she was a mother who left her own child to die. The baby was then sent to Madame Gaillard's orphanage.

The orphanage was a terrible place. There were a lot of children, and there were almost 5 or 6 children in one bed. They didn't even have enough beds. Then a child brought his finger close to the doll. The baby grabbed the boy's finger and brought it close to his nose and sniffed. The boy quickly withdrew his hand and, along with the others, decided to kill the baby. They tried to suffocate the baby with a pillow. At that moment, Madame Gaillard heard the baby's cry and went to the children. When he saw what they were doing, he started hitting the children with his stick. For Madam Gaillard, Jean, the baby, was also a source of income. He saw all children as a source of income. Over time, the boy grew up. But even though he was 5 years old, he could not speak. He was different from other children. The objects around him were a dry branch, soil, apple, rotten apple, etc. He could smell how it smelled, down to the smallest detail.

His ability to smell was much more advanced than a normal person's ability to smell. In this case, it made him different from other children. But the other kids hated him. His behavior was bothering the other children. He even had such a good sense of smell that he could even smell the frog underwater. When Jean was thirteen, Madame Gaillard had nowhere to look after her, and Madan Gaillard decided to sell her. Then, after Madame Gaillard sold him to her place of work, she was killed by her throat slit. During his working time, Jean always saw the city beyond the tannery (the name they gave to a kind of workplace). He was curious about the smells in there. And one day they had to go there for delivery and his boss took Jean there too. When they made the delivery, her boss walked in, and Jean stepped away and stopped in front of a perfume shop. He was hungry for smell. And he smelled all the scents in the perfume shop one by one from the outside. His sense of smell was overdeveloped. Like normal people, he didn't have to get close or rub it anywhere to smell it. He could even smell the scent from where he stood, meters away. He was followed by a girl. But when she approached from behind, the girl was frightened. Jean covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't scream. Of course, at this time, the girl was not breathing. Jean had killed the girl.

Then the jean walked away. When he returned to his place of work, his boss accused him of running away and beat him. One day, Jean delivers leather to a perfume shop. And he found all the scents used in the perfume of love and spirit that the perfumer was trying to find. The man looked at the scents lined up on the table. And he said that his jean nose could pick up all the scents in the world, he just didn't know their names. The man found Jean insolent. The man then asked Jean about the quantities used in the love and spirit perfume. Jean said that she can make the perfume right now. The man gave her a small glass bottle and asked her to fill it with love and spirit perfume. This was Jean's opportunity to prove himself. And she made exactly the same perfume of love and spirit. The man was surprised. Then Jean took a few bottles of perfume from the shelves and added them to the perfume of love and spirit. The man sent him from his home and Jean asked the man if I could work with you. The man said he would think about it and closed the door. Then she went downstairs and smelled the perfume Jean had made. The perfume smelled perfect. Adam was impressed by Jean's ability…

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