

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 715

They were waiting for the green light to come on. Pedestrians had already crossed. The traffic lights had changed from red to green. While most cars were speeding, the vehicle at the very front of the center lane still hadn't moved forward. The man in the car had suddenly gone blind. He couldn't understand what was happening. The cars behind were honking their horns impatiently. Several people had gathered around the car, and a man had asked the man inside the car what had happened. The man said, I don't know, I was blind for a moment. I want to go home, please take me home. A man who came to them said that he could take him home. They got into the car. The driver told the blind man to describe his house.

The blind man also described the way home. They chatted for a while in the car on the way home. When the man asked the blind man how he was blind, the blind man replied, "I don't know, I was waiting for the green to light up, and suddenly I started to see white everywhere, as if I was swimming in the same sea of milk." The man driving the car said it might be something psychological or nervous. When they got home, the blind man got out of the car. The man driving the car proceeded to park the car. The blind man thought his car had been stolen, but was relieved when the man came back to him. They walked through the door and took the elevator. When the blind man entered the house, the other man said if you want, I can stay with you until your wife comes. But the blind man did not accept this and sent the man away.

Then he looked out the door hole as if he could see, to make sure the man was gone, but he couldn't see anything. Then he was relieved when he heard the sound of the elevator. Clinging around, he tried to move towards the hall, but he crashed into the vase and knocked it down. He cut his hand while trying to collect the broken vase pieces and realized that he could do nothing. He then threw himself on the couch and waited for his wife to arrive. When his wife came, she saw the pieces of vase on the floor and said that she could collect the pieces of vase before going to sleep. Later, when he saw his wife's hand, all his anger went away and he told his wife what had happened. When the man told her that I was blind, the woman did not believe it at first. Because he had not even used glasses until now. When the woman believed that her husband was blind, she immediately called the ophthalmologist from the notebook with phone numbers and explained the situation. The ophthalmologist told them to come immediately. When the woman asked his wife where the car keys were, it occurred to the man that he did not get the keys from the man. His car was stolen. They called a taxi and went to the ophthalmologist's clinic. When they arrived at the clinic, the assistant took them to the waiting room. In the waiting room were an old man with a patch on one eye, a woman wearing dark glasses, a cross-eyed child, and his mother. When the assistant doctor came out and called them in, the boy's mother, who was cross-eyed, at first objected. He was right. They had been waiting for hours for their turn to come. The assistant told the mother of the child who had squint that this was the doctor's order.

When the woman and man entered the doctor's office, the doctor asked a few questions. When asked if he had ever had eye problems, the blind man said no. When asked how you suddenly stopped seeing, the blind man explained the whole thing. Then the ophthalmologist examined the blind man. And when the examination was over, the doctor said to the man that your eyes are healthy and there is no problem in any tissue. And wrote a few tests for them to do. He told them to come back when they got the test results. Then the ophthalmologist examined his other patients and went home. He told his wife what had happened today and began to investigate. When he woke up in the morning, the ophthalmologist could not see anything, so he was blind. When he told his wife about this situation, his wife suddenly said that no one can be blind out of the blue. The ophthalmologist pushed his wife away in panic. And he said to his wife that if he got into me from that man, he could infect you too, and he tried to drive her away from him. The old man with the one-eye patch, the squinted boy, and the woman wearing dark glasses were blinded for a moment before they could tell what was going on. The ophthalmologist informed the authorities. Authorities took the ophthalmologist and brought him to the almost abandoned mental hospital, which they designated as a quarantine hospital. Then the ophthalmologist and his wife chose a bed for themselves and settled there. Other blind people came here in turn…

Waiting for Fear Önceki Blog
Waiting for Fear
Waiting for Fear Sonraki Blog
Waiting for Fear

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