

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 773

Several astronauts went to Mars to explore. They were taking soil samples from Mars. At that time, they received a storm warning on Mars. A storm was approaching towards them. Everyone prepared for the emergency takeoff. They passed through a capsule and went outside. There was a storm around. Something hit one of them and the man flew away. Others returned to the rocket. The captain was alone looking for the man. The captain couldn't find the man. They thought he was dead. They re-boarded the rocket and set off for Earth. In the press release, they announced that Mark Watney had died.

Mark awoke to the sound of the alarm in his astronaut suit. An iron rod was lodged in his abdomen. He was alive, but the others did not know about it. He entered the house built for the astronauts. He took off his helmet and the iron rod from his stomach. As soon as the astronaut took off his suit, he also took the piece of iron out of the wound in his stomach with difficulty. Blood was flowing from the wound. He closed the wound with a stapler and then dressed it. He was alone on Mars. Then he went to the computer and started taking video recordings in case he died. In the video, he said that he was in a thirty-day hub and that he would die when his oxygen ran out. The storm on Mars was still going on. He had to grow food to survive on Mars the next day. He built himself a garden in the hub. He placed the sand or soil he had taken from Mars there. He used human excrement as fertilizer. He had no other choice. The biggest problem was water.

Then he found a way to make water. But he blew himself up. And the explosion was caused by the extra oxygen in the room. And finally he found a way to make water without bursting. It was on the fifty-fourth day and the potatoes he had planted had sprouted. The world was talking about the death of Mark. Someone from Earth looked at the coordinates of Mark on Mars and saw that some things on Mars had changed. Mark determined the location and landing of the team that would arrive four years later. It was three thousand two hundred kilometers from where he was. And it should have been there when they got there. The problem was that most of the vehicles on Mars were designed to travel thirty-five kilometers, and the journey would take exactly fifty days. He had to spend fifty days in the vehicle on a life support unit. He had doubled the distance of the other vehicle by taking the engine from one vehicle, but this time he had a heating problem. He dug the box filled with plutonium out of the ground. But if the box of plutonium broke, he would die. Thanks to plutonium, he also solved the heating problem.

NASA, on the other hand, was watching what Mark was doing from the world. And they said in the press release that he tried to go farther each time with the vehicle he drove. He left the meeting saying that their only aim was to bring him home safely. Meanwhile, Mark pulled the potatoes he had grown out of the ground. Mark found a device to communicate with NASA from Mars and dug it out of the ground. Someone from NASA noticed the same thing and asked several people if it was working. The device worked. Although it was old, it worked. And he was able to communicate with NASA, albeit with difficulty. Mark had set up a hexadecimal system, and NASA did the same…

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