Angles and devils

Angles and devils

  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 847

Victoria was conducting antimatter studies with her father. And this work was successful. They were able to create antimatter. She went to Victoria. She put her head into the eye-scanner. And when the device confirmed, the door opened. But when he entered, he found an eye hollowed out on the ground. He went into the other room and found a man dead. It was also stolen in antimatter. The man lying on the ground had no eyes and was covered in blood.

Robert Langdon was swimming in the pool when a man from the Vatican arrived. Langdon said he knew it came from the Vatican by the papal symbol on his bag. The man who came said it was the Vatican police. He said he came because it was an emergency and showed Langdon something. He said that the Illuminati disappeared long ago and reappeared. Langdon had written a book about the Illuminati. Langdon said they were trying to make him believe that the illuminati emerged after the Pope's death. He was asking Langdon to find the culprits. Then Lagdon went with the man to the Vatican. Langdon gave some information about the Illuminati during this trip. Upon their arrival at the Vatican, Langdon was greeted by the Vatican chief investigator. Later, Langdon went to talk to the commander, Victor. Victoria was there, too, and she told me what had happened. The antimatter was suspended in the tube by electromagnets, and if it came into contact with the material, there would be a massive explosion, she said. He also said that we need to find the tube in which the antimatter is kept before it runs out of charge. There was someone to be elected in place of the Pope. And this person would be chosen among four people, but he was kidnapped by the illuminati. They also stole antimatter.

Langdon said that at four different churches, these four people would be killed in turns every hour, and they would detonate the antimatter at exactly midnight. Langdan went to talk to the interim pope. Langdon was asking for permission to access the Vatican archives. Langdon, Victoria, and the Vatican chief investigator began heading towards the archives. They came to the archive. They were looking for books that were suitable for them among the books. They found the file they were looking for. Victoria translated from Latin. Then he saw a watermark between the pages. Then Victoria tore that page out because there was no time. And they got in the chief inspector's car and left. Then they went to Santi's tomb. Because the first sign was there. They entered the church and began to look around. They were looking for any clue that would work for them. But what was there was wrong and they had to go to the real thing. Then, where they came from, they saw a man and started chasing him. Langdon found a door and walked through it with Victoria. They were looking for a Chapel. They lifted a hatch from the ground and went down. When they came down, they found the lifeless body of one of the four people to be selected. The rats were eating the flesh of the corpse. Langdon saw the first sign. And he went outside. The sign was pointing southwest. He climbed up and saw where they were going. st. They arrived at Peter's Square. They found the obelisk. They start looking at the ground. They were looking for a sculpture related to the weather. And they finally found it.

In that square, one of the four people was found with air written on his chest and covered in blood. Victoria gave CPR to keep her alive, but blood splattered Langdon's face in an instant. They punctured the man's lungs, she. A letter had arrived. And it was learned that the pope was killed with a blood thinner injection. When the drug was taken in high doses, it caused internal bleeding and even cerebral hemorrhage. Langdon went back to the Vatican archives to find a fire-related statue. Langdon pulled a few files from the shelves. After a while, the electricity went out. The rooms where the archives were kept were airtight private rooms. He took the gun of the man next to him and started shooting at the glass. It didn't do much good. A short time later, they both fainted. But thanks to the bookshelf Langdon had tipped against the glass, the glass had shattered and he had begun to breathe. The temporary pope and Victoria went to the catacombs…

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