Cumhuriyet 101 Yaşında



  • 25 Mart 2023
  • 1235

The leaders had built a huge wall around the city to protect their people from outside threats. And they divided the people into 5 groups. Those who were intelligent and valued logic and knowledge were in the group of Sages. The pacifists were cultivating the land, so they were kind of farmers. Fair people value honesty and discipline and always tell the truth. Fearless, they are protective and always brave. Some found the fearless insane. And the last group of altruists live simple lives and help everyone. They even help the groupless who could not be included in any group.

Beatrice had her test that day. Anyone of a certain age would take the test. This test was a test that indicated which group everyone actually belonged to and which group they should go to. The test indicated which group they belonged to according to personality, but they did not have to go to the group that came out as a result of the test. They could join any group they wanted. However, once the decision was made, they could not make changes. Then they took everyone to different rooms. One by one, everyone entered a room. Then they sat down in something similar to the chair we sit in to be examined at the dentists. The tester inside gave Beatrice a liquid to drink. When she drank the liquid, she found herself in a room covered with mirrors. They put meat and knives in front of him for him to choose. And for a moment she saw a barking dog. The dog jumped on him at first. Later, Beatrice knelt in front of the dog, and the dog that had just barked to the point of tearing a human apart turned into a docile dog. Then the dog returned to its original state and started chasing a child. Beatrice, on the other hand, ran after the dog and jumped on the dog so that the dog would not attack the child. And in an instant he awoke.

Then the person in charge of the test lifted Beatrice from the seat and tugged at her saying that she had to go quickly. She then asked her parents to tell her that the liquid she had given her had touched her. Beatrice, on the other hand, was persistently curious about the outcome. The officer said that he was altruistic, honest and fearless and that the result was unsatisfactory, that he was a misfit and that he should not tell anyone. Beatrice, on the other hand, said that she needed to know the result of the test somehow, which group she should choose. The officer said that the test didn't work for him, he had to trust himself and sent it through the back door. Then he returned home. Her brother asked Beatrice what had happened after the test, and Beatrice said that she had gotten sick and came home. Then he began to think about the election that would happen the next day. She didn't know what to choose, she. It was morning and everyone gathered in a conference room-style place, and everyone waited for their turn. When it came to Beatrice's sister, everyone was surprised that Caleb had chosen wisdom. It was Beatrice's turn to cut off her hand and sacrifice at first, but later changed her mind and chose fearlessness. Then, with the fearless, he climbed the high rails of the train tracks and, like all the other fearless ones, rushed into the train. Then they jumped off the train again.

Then the leader of the fearless, Eric, said if you want to enter the fearless, you must jump down from here, on top of the tall building. Beatrice volunteered to jump first and looked down. She was too high. She went up to the jump place and after a while she let herself go down from the high. There was a net below to hold the jumpers, and she had fallen right over the net. Someone waiting downstairs picked him up from the net and asked what's your name. Later, she said she could choose a new name. And Beatrice said her name was Trice. She had changed her name to she. She then introduced herself and said her name was Four. She said she would be their trainer throughout the training. She asked him to follow her. She had brought them to a place called the well, and then she showed them the dormitory where they would sleep. After everyone changed, he took them to the cafeteria.

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The Disconnected
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